- 17:30 Lovely post on revisions: "Because I don't fart glitter and unicorns." bit.ly/9PGxm4 thx to Kat who doesn't tweet. #
- 18:05 That was fun today, guys! Mmm, tea :) @iplaytea @cameocreams @dharmeshnanu @alanagray @lewisbostock @jeanettemarsh @jakelso #
- 18:29 Ate quiche. Fed cat. Heater on. Now settling into the start of my rather bizarre work rhythm. The night is very, very young! #
- 18:31 @jeanettemarsh Hi! A list of my writing, published and in progress, is here: gracebridges.blogspot.com/p/history-of-grace.html :) #
- 19:51 Cool video clip for the new single from New Zealand band Opshop www.youtube.com/watch?v=g716tEm0yl0 thx to Neil White on FB for that #
- 20:14 Ooo! A new paying market for just my kind of speculative fiction - in all e-formats and audio! flyingislandpress.com/ #
- 20:26 Agreed! RT: @velofille: Me too! RT @rgoodchild: best story i've read all weekend :) bit.ly/bdP1ZN #