Friday, June 4, 2010

  • 08:48 Brrr! So cold today I expected to see frosty ground outside. A plague of insects coming inside in this weather, too. Ew. #
  • 08:49 @calypsogozzo Thanks for the FF! #
  • 09:48 @KMWeiland I have a huge stack of books, too! Isn't it the best thing...Just don't have time to get into them yet. #
  • 11:14 Yay! Go Christina! RT @authorchristina Can words express how this makes me feel??? Imitation as Flattery #
  • 11:36 New Review: The Word Unleashed by Steve Rzasa: I would say that Steve Rzasa has done it again, but technically tha... #
  • 11:58 OK, going offline for editing purposes. This one's going to be a marathon: all the way through 90,000 words by tomorrow. I hope. #
  • 16:32 Pausing the edit work to pop a roast beef in the oven. Mmm! Gotta clean up a bit before the famz arrive later too. On page 83 of 334 so far. #
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