- 09:00 read my blog: More on that tall ship: It was Captain James Cook who named many places in New Zealand on his tour o... bit.ly/abhf6c #
- 10:45 @HMarieYoung Thanks, hmmm, not sure how to do that stuff! It was as much as I could manage to get the gif transparency! Will investigate! #
- 11:01 Since I finished it at 2am, here again my new blog layout: gracebridges.blogspot.com/ What do you think? #
- 12:45 @Schnicker ah, okay. That was a while ago. No wonder I was confused... #
- 13:24 Seven blog posts scheduled! And all of them pretty meaty. Gee, I hardly know myself! The new layout must have inspired me... #
- 13:53 @WhittakersNZ Ooo I love nuts, specially the way you dress 'em. I'd fill my whole house if I could! Nut chocolate from floor to ceiling, mmm #
- 14:18 @WhittakersNZ How's this? I <3 whittakers nutty chocolate twitpic.com/1vowts #
- 14:20 Every time I put up a twitpic, it has like 20 views by the time I click on it right then. Are there bots to account for that, or is it real? #
- 15:58 @talios They must be doing it pretty quick. Like, a second after it's up. I didn't think I had that many followers to cause such! #
- 16:11 OH YEAH it's #FF time @IcarusForde @AmaliaTD @cldyck @5hameless @povbootcamp @BryanThomasS @RTuckerThompson @HMarieYoung @Schnicker @talios #
- 16:12 @Swiggs chocolate o'clock over here! #
- 16:14 #FF and of course @velofille @nessliddell @ClaireDel @miuraworld @Giapo @KMWeiland @theladyisugly @amiemccarron @yomcat @JanalynVoigt @bwagy #
- 17:41 Phew, glad I caught that one: Novel heros don't know what language is, yet I used it in the book before the scene where they find out. Gone! #
- 19:02 @alex_bettylou It's just nice seeing you around again. Everyone's got something to say, be it ever so mundane. That's most of life after all #
- 19:17 All right, time for some eats. Indian butter chicken, I think. #