- 22:16 Do you know the painting by Van Gogh called Le Café La Nuit? I just found it in Arles and we're getting lunch sitting in front of it. Cool! #
- 00:58 In a web cafe opposite the Roman amphitheatre in Arles, Provence. It's very hot. These French keyboards reduce me to hunt n peck typing! #
- 01:01 @JohnKnappII No problem, I like SF and metafiction a lot! but now you have to follow me because then I can send you my email non-publicly. #
- 01:02 @axtens cool stuff, isn't language amazing!! #
- 01:03 Looking forward to the Arles wee kly market tomorrow - apparently it's 2 kilometres long. Goody goody! #
- 02:00 Arles Market and a visit to Marseilles where there is a castle on an island. Yay boat trips! #