- 18:41 I am not tweeting much lately. Probably because I am not doing much. #
- 18:42 Doing nothing notwithstanding, today was fun. Hung out with the awesome Chewy from church. Hey, that alliterates. Whatever. #
- 18:43 Tomorrow I go to the church office and teach Emma and Kiri how to post blogs on the site I made for them last week. Should be fun. #
- 18:45 Tentatively approaching new critique tasks.. Am I sharp enough after lazy week? Got folks coming in an hour to eat and do myers-briggs work. #
- 18:46 @conniebrz Just take all the advice you like and leave what you don't like! Easy, right...yeah I have the same problem as you right now! #
- 18:46 @lifeledlearning That sounds fascinating, but I can't quite get my head around what a rewrite has to do with an exchanged phrase... #
- 18:49 @lifeledlearning Aha! I think I get it...Love it when that happens! bits of a story fit together in a way that you never imagined. Mmmm. #
- 19:58 done three crits and posted a sub (all chapters) now going online to explore the depths of personality tests with the people in the kitchen #