- 10:04 RT: @NZHistorydotnet: Today in History 15 June 1959, Chinese gooseberry becomes kiwifruit (scroll down to see): tr.im/otE7 #
- 11:31 Today seems like one of those days when every stupid thing you ever did comes back to haunt you. Crap. How it saps the strength... #
- 13:45 The Scary Washing Machine takes over New Zealand! @mrvintage bit.ly/10DTZl via @ViewAuckland #
- 13:46 thanks @KarinaFabian @lifeledlearning @rlcopple you are much appreciated! #
- 13:47 @onejan84 That's a good solution to the twitwall problem. Good reason not to use underscores in names, ever! #
- 13:48 Late #ff thanks to @samnzed @conniebrz @lifeledlearning @george9writer - I had a weekend offline, it was very interesting. #
- 16:55 Rather cool Star Trek spoof from the 80's with TOS uniforms and The Shat - unbelievable! tinyurl.com/m9nryw #
- 22:55 RT: @rnz_news: The king and queen of Spain are to visit New Zealand next week. tinyurl.com/mprrdx #
- 23:01 Just watched Star Trek (TOS) Operation Annihilate on youtube. Spock is attacked by flying plastic vomit creature. Actually very good. Deep. #
- 23:09 Fun mixups between French and English: bit.ly/12GdQo via @NadVega #