Friday, June 5, 2009

  • 08:42 Morning! Another wonderful winter day downunder. Clouds wrap the skyscrapers and hover over the sea. Rangitoto's cone juts out beyond. #
  • 11:05 Thankful for more freelance work offers from overseas. The Euro goes a long way in NZ! I'll be at this one all day, though... #
  • 11:11 RT: @IrishShamrock: Atheists think they need a church: What are they going to worship? #
  • 11:12 Learn the New Zealand Haka! - via @flyairnz #
  • 11:17 @angeldominguez Training of salespeople again. Distasteful, but easy. #
  • 11:19 Oh great...The landlord decided to get the plumbers in today. And the cleaner is here. Work at home isn't always as quiet as I'd like! #
  • 13:02 @michaelpokocky it's actually still Friday in most of the world! #
  • 14:02 The (Asian) plumber is humming and whistling the National Anthem. Nice touch. God defend New Zealand, indeed! #
  • 14:21 oh my there's a guy on a ladder fixing the window like 2 feet from my desk. The 4th tradesman of the day! #
  • 14:23 @find_ch congrats! that's totally awesome! #
  • 14:24 Cue the hammers from the left. This is becoming a very interesting workday. #
  • 15:33 RT: @MTTRadio: New Zealand (Aotearoa) named world's most peaceful nation #peace #
  • 15:47 TIEROFL! RT @vavroom Attention dog lovers: Bit old but if you havent read it, it is wet-yourself-hillarious. Dogs in Elk #
  • 16:28 RT: @astridnz: YouTube - Vulcan Lane Freeze - Auckland June 09 #
  • 16:58 @lifeledlearning today I seem to have a fresh crush on the Star Trek soundtrack...up loud in earbuds. Not bad for work. Tradesmen gone at . #
  • 17:11 Glad to see that Kirk & Spock made it onto the list of the Top 101 Influential People Who Never Lived. #
  • 17:12 At least they beat Luke Skywalker. But c'mon! They SO oughta beat Bambi, Mickey Mouse, Barbie and GI Joe. (see previous tweet if confused!) #
  • 17:17 A bit stuck in translation. Some fancy handbag construction terms that don't exist in the entire Internet! Will have to leave them as-is. #
  • 17:32 @wendywings yeah kiwis are actually the biggest group under Geographical Area at - cool huh! We got the power... #
  • 17:33 @lifeledlearning yes I agree, that's very, very wrong. What's worse is I never heard of most of the top 50! #
  • 17:35 Real life superheroes? Whatever next!! via @jeremydickson #
  • 17:47 Darn it, what was that short story about a future history student going back in time to study the London Blitz as a St. Pauls fireman??? #
  • 17:53 RT: @yomcat: RT @twitter: One hour of planned maintenance Friday 8p Pacific (3pm Saturday in NZ) #
  • 18:15 Oh I don't like to close the curtains and shut out pretty city lights, but it'll get jolly cold jolly quick if I don't! #
  • 18:59 Okay, I got my work finished - time for some #followfriday! Who's been chatting with me this week? Coming right up... #
  • 19:00 @IrishShamrock @lifeledlearning @dosankodebbie @wendywings @ClaireDel #
  • 19:00 whoops forgot #followfriday tag! @IrishShamrock @lifeledlearning @dosankodebbie @wendywings @ClaireDel #
  • 19:02 #ff @angeldominguez @terrimain @samnzed @garrymunro @serendipitynz @philipnewmannz @nadvega @yomcat @karlrohde @ktsp @spacegirlnz @kalena #
  • 19:05 #ff @customtees @conniebrz @vavroom @alastairjnz @angelfish007 @find_ch @josephbeggs @nightshowdan @simon_w #
  • 19:12 @mindfulMeli thanks for #ff!! #
  • 19:16 wow I just caught a mozzie. How did it survive this long in the cold? And yes it is that cold inside my house. Dinnertime, methinks. #
  • 19:26 @yomcat Unfortunate economy making the most of 140 characters. I want to eat dinner for same reason as wonder why mozzie lived - it's cold! #
  • 20:42 was thinking about submitting a chapter to my group for critique, but have already got so many comments on it that it needs mucho work first #
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