- 09:55 @dosankodebbie I loved the Mexican quesadillas, the Canadian buttermilk pancakes, and the Italian stuffed tomatoes! ate way too much, sadly. #
- 10:12 Woke late after Star Trek dreams lovely morning for walking to church and later on down the bush where I hope 2 dry days have vanquished mud #
- 19:44 I asked a question and got it answered by the real Star Trek screenwriter! tinyurl.com/r445sk and search for my nick DaggerScribe! #
- 19:46 Due to advice from critiquers I'm delaying the publication of my novel Legendary Space Pilgrims. It may still be out by the end of the year. #
- 21:37 Donald Duck in German: Not what you'd expect. Who knew? online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203771904574181722075062290.html #