Wednesday, January 6, 2010

  • 10:58 Screwball comedy. The story is about 6 planetologists. It starts in a Belgrade gun shop and climaxes with spying. #
  • 11:01 Wow, thanks everyone for the shout outs! You are an overwhelmingly awesome bunch of friends and it's my honour to know you all! :) #
  • 11:10 Awesome article on active/passive writing and the was/ing problem for fiction authors: #
  • 11:49 The next craze in supernatural fiction: Angels? And naughty ones at that, it seems... #
  • 11:55 Another great writing article: Things that drive an editor crazy #
  • 12:11 Oh, my, the mind boggles: Literary Oddities in the Weird Book Room - definitely some nsfw #
  • 23:13 Wow, what's happening to me...wrote a 700 word article in twenty minutes, this late at night? woohoo... #
  • 23:44 @IcarusForde indeed! #
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