- 10:08 Of writers, critics, thieves, and attitudes: bit.ly/21AQyO by @rileymagnus #
- 11:28 I am a publisher and I don't believe in agents :) why do you ask? #
- 11:36 @kalena Authors with agents have advantages. My genre (SF) is marginalised and rarely picked up by agents. I'm about giving people chances. #
- 11:45 Today: Manuscript formatting touch-ups (so far so good), and graphic design for a couple of page ads, coming up shortly. #
- 11:50 @frankcreed That one I got you has most of those colours on it, right? :P I know, I know, same name, wrong sport. #
11:55 just voted "Star Trek" on "Best 2009 Film?" vote too ➔ bit.ly/xJTBC # - 17:01 @ConnieBrz O Muse of mine do you have a moment for a very short brainstorm? If so please log into google! #
- 17:39 @ConnieBrz I love the bus in your new design! #
- 18:26 @axtens remind me what we were talking about? It's been a while #
- 21:03 Want to know what I did today? Created 2 full-page book ad graphics (exhausting!) & chatted with Andrea @povbootcamp most of the day (fun! ) #